Wacken Open Air organizers have announced that in 2009 — for the first time ever — a Brazilian edition of the festival will be held in May.
Dubbed Wacken Rocks Brazil, the event will take place in São Paulo (SP) on May 17-18, 2009. No bands have yet been confirmed for the festival, but the first names are expected to be announced by the end of 2008 or in early 2009.
The deal was signed by the partners ICS Festival Service GmbH (which organizes the Wacken Open Air festival), ATOS and Roadie Crew.
According to Spiegel Online, over 75,000 people from all over the world attended this year’s Wacken Open Air festival in the small German town of Wacken.
The festival is now in its 19th year, after having been started in 1990 as a small gathering of local heavy metal bands.
In between events, concert-goers drank, played in the copious mud and socialized with the town’s 1,800 year-round residents, who have generally come to enjoy the festival’s annual arrival.[/quote]
en resumen , el wacken viene el 2009 en mayo en brasil
a juntar monedas loco :o!!!!!!!!